Below are the list of features and fixes that have gone live in our Nicholas release for August 2018! All new features are a result of direct customer feedback, we love to build the system that you want to use. New Features Add To Calendar When clients make a booking through for either a standard […]
Product Update June 2018
Here is a list of the latest improvements to online booking and scheduling system These features went live in the last week of May 2018 when the ‘Keown’ release went live: GDPR features Defects resolved for printing invoices and exporting data Customisation of the Event button 17 new quotes added for booking confirmation emails […]
Mandatory Booking Code – Product Update June 4th 2017
Release 23 of adds more flexibility and adaptability to the ever popular online booking system. This release sees two significant changes move into our live site. So without further ado… Mandatory Booking Codes For a while now, it has been possible to allow your customers enter codes at booking time to either: Get a […]
Customer Notes – Update May 21st 2017
The latest release of our software sees the introduction of some very exciting features. The biggest of which is customer notes. Once again, these changes are a result of feedback and suggestions from businesses using Keep the suggestions coming! Customer/Patient Notes Now when you add a note to a customer, it will appear alongside […]
May 1st 2017 – Minor Improvements
The latest product release includes some minor improvements but is really a stepping stone toward our next major feature release. Updates to the product schema mean that the next release will be less risky. Regarding the improvements for online bookings, the following minor adjustments have been made: User is now advised to check their spam […]
Flexible Pricing and Price Hiding – Update April 19th 2017
The latest product update to online booking system facilittes a business in showing different prices for different customer types. For example, if a business offers a student or a seniors discount, they can now inform the user of this price when they are booking online. Click here for a short video showing how to […]
Improved Booking Screen
We are using several tools to monitor how users are interacting with the system. One of the tools we use allows us to see a heat map of where users are clicking. If we notice an area on the heat map with a lot of bright colours, we can determine that a user is interacting with […]
Rememebering Dates – Smarter Dahboard
Our latest product update comes as a result of a conversation with one of our users less than two weeks ago. Previously, when working on the calendar in your dashboard, you would have to continually select the date that you wanted to effect. So for example, if you were manually making two bookings for next […]
Announcing Events and Group Bookings is great at taking online bookings. Until now, any business that had a standard duration service which is currently booked over the phone was the ideal candidate to use our online booking software. Now we are delighted to announce that can now handle bookings for group events. So if you run events, and […]