New Features April 2021

We have been busy this first quarter of the year adding some more useful features to You can now assist your customers with class changes, account set up and more.

Move Customers Bookings

You can move customers between classes, to a different date or different class type.

Create Clients Account

If a client doesn’t have an account but is entitled to credits, you can create the account for them and add the credits.

Add Credits To Existing Client’s Account

Alert Clients They Have Valid Credits

When clients who have credits attempt to purchase more, they’ll be notified they in fact still have unused credits.

View, Search and Edit Credit Bundles

You can now see exactly which clients have valid or expired credits. You can also exted expiry date if needed.

Hide Price

If you don’t want the price of classes to show on the Customer Facing Page, you can hide it.

Limit Places

If you’re running a class you’d prefer to have a smaller audience to, you can limit available places.

Few other changes include:

  • Various defects resolved
  • Zoom password no longer shows as ‘null’ when there is no password on the Zoom meeting
  • Optimised javascript for better performance

We hope these changes will make your experience using even better.

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