New Features September 2019

SCA Payment Support

SCA (String Customer Authentication) is enforced for all online payments in Europe from September 14th 2019. That is why, now supports SCA. It is nothing to worry about. However, just be aware that your clients will probably get an SMS from Stripe when making an online booking.

The “probably” will depend on the payment amount and your clients bank. To see our new SCA in operation, take a look at this 54 second video.

Event Ticket Categories

Events and classes now support different types of ticket categories. This means that you can have different prices for different types of customers. To find out more, take a look at this 106-second video.

Event Attendee Names

Our event Ticket Category also ships with the ability to turn on/off the need for your clients to assign names to their bookings. This means that the system no longer assumes that the booking party is attending the class/event. For example, perhaps they are booking for their child. As always, showing is better than telling. So take a look at this 59-second video.

Client Auto Merge

Previously, regardless of the name the client made a booking with. If they had booked your business before, the system always used their name from previous bookings. This meant that two people making a booking with the same email address (usually elderly people), would show up in your system as the same person. This auto-merge has been disabled. However, you can still merge contacts if you find you have duplicates. The following 80-second video shows you how.

Bank Statement Description

Before this release, when a client made a payment to your business through, the message on their bank statement would say ‘’. This proved to be confusing for clients. Therefore, this release will now put “Booked Acme Limited” on their bank statement. Instead of Acme Limited, it will be your business name.

Other Items

Apart from the above, we have made some minor tweaks to parts of the system that were not optimal. We also fixed a few small defects along the way too.


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