Our booking management system has just got even better with some great new features.
Client Accounts
Without a doubt, the biggest change with this release is the addition of the Client Accounts. This allows your customers to create an account in the system. Once they do, they can:
- Securely save their card details for faster bookings
- See a list of their upcoming bookings
- See the last 5 bookings from their history
To see a quick demonstration of the Client Accounts, and to see how to enable them for your business, take a look at this 95-secod video:
If you do want to turn on Client Accounts for your customers, but are worried that they won’t know how to use them, fear not. We have created the below short video which explains how to set-up and use Client Accounts on BookingHawk.com. Feel free to share it with your clients.
Thank you to Niamh at Shine In Yoga for her feedback on the design of this feature.
More Robust Copy Facility
The ‘Copy’ facility, for quickly creating new classes/events was temperamental if the original class/event had apostrophes, hyperlinks or line breaks. We have made the copy facility much more robust and it should now handle whatever you throw at it!

Clearer Description of Days & Dates
We noticed a trend whereby our clients were always adding the day of the week to the title of their event/class. Therefore, we decided to add the day to the Overview page for ongoing classes/events.

Other Improvements
As always, we have tightened up and improved things behind the scenes including the resolution of some minor defects.
If you would like to see new features or have some feedback on our existing ones, please get in touch. You use our system more than we do – we only build it!
In June, we are aiming to release class credits and multi-packs to our system.