The latest release of features is mainly addressing minor issues. However, some of them are very useful.
Quick Links (Shorter URLs)
We know how hard it is to remember the address of your booking page. We also know that some clients like to SMS it to their customers. Or, if you have your booking page linked fro your social pages, every character counts. Therefore we are delighted to announce “Quick Links”.
As an example, this is the booking page for Celbridge Medical Centre: which is a whopping 68 characters. Now, with our short URL, you can get to the same page with this URL: which is a much more concise 14 characters and far easier to remember.
Please let us know if you would like a Quick Link for your booking pages!
Stripe Refund Change
The big news lately is how Stripe will no longer return their transaction fees in the event of a refund. We have added a message to this effect under the cancellation terms.
It will always appear and states “As of April 1st, 2020, transaction charges are not returned in the event of a refund.”

We have also updated our terms to reflect that clients will no longer get a full refund. Stripe will always keep their transaction fee. We have made our feelings clear on this to Stripe. However, the payment system is not for turning!
Faster Payouts
In case you missed it in our previous release, payouts are now 66% faster. Previously, your payments were in a status of pending for 9 days. That has now reduced to three. This means you won’t need to wait as long to access your booking payments. Please note, this does not apply if you are using your own Stripe account. Stripe has placed us on this shorter pending period for a number of reasons, including the volume of transactions we are processing
Defect Fixes
A recent release introduced a couple of minor defects which have now been resolved. These include:
- Once again, you can now edit a new event before it has any bookings
- When you close your business on a specific date, the date is greyed out on the public-facing calendar. This means that a customer cannot sign up for a waiting list for a class that will never happen!
- Clients remain on your waiting list for 48 hours after the class. This gives you time to contact them in the event of a no-show from the enrolled personnel
- When making bookings via the dashboard, accurate cancelation terms are now shown. Previously, they always appeared as ‘non-refundable’
Faster Payouts