This week we released an upgrade which includes the ability to format the text in several areas of the system. This means you now have more control over the appearance of :
- Your booking confirmation emails
- The description of your service

Link Back to Your Dashboard
Also included in this release is a handy link back to your dashboard from your client facing page. This link will only show when you are logged in. Therefore, it will not be visible to your clients.

Change To Business Closed Dates
The ‘Business Closed Dates’ has moved menu location. This now means it is available to close off days for any pay-as-you-go classes or events that you are running. Its new home is under ‘Business Detail’ in the dashboard.
Aside from that, some minor defects were resolved. There is plenty more to come in the way of new features. As always, these new features were suggested by our fantastic customers. Please keep the great suggestions coming! Niall.