Join me to celebrate Autumn Equinox with a Chrystal Alchemy Bowls Healing Sound meditation to help you relax, restore and receive in a safe space. The ultimate self care antidote to too much-ness!

Bring your mat & blanket, some bed pillows and lie down, simply immersing yourself in this hour of bliss (no bathing suits are needed, and there is nothing to do!). Nourishing your body and your soul, and allow yourself to slow down to the healing vibrations of the chrystal infused singing bowls, gently guiding you into deep relaxation and home to inner peace and harmony.  

If you've never done a sound bath before, you are in for a treat, and the best way to explain it, is to experience it!

EARLY BIRD £20 (for tickets booked by 10pm 1 Sept 2024)



As you'll be lying down for the hour, please wear cozy, warm clothing and bring your mat, a blanket, and a bolster (or bed pillow) if you need it to support the back of the knees and/or heels whilst lying down.

I will email out a few days before the event with all the details.

Please note that we have previously had late arrivals, and unfortunately, I wont now admit people into the session once it has begun (or start late), as it will disturb others. Please feel free to arrive 15 minutes early to settle yourself before the sound bath. 

How many places do you wish to book?