Healing Dancing Qigong - Drop-in Option

Facilitator MindCare

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Healing Dancing Qigong - Drop-in Option

Welcome to my classes of Healing Dancing Qigong in the Mind the Step studio in Dublin! Qigong is an ancient Chinese breathing energy practice consisting of slow gentle movements and meditation. There are different types of Qigong, and I am teaching health Qi Gong that is meant for healing, maintaining inner balance and inner peace, strengthening immune system. Qigong practice is also called Meditation in motion that involves slow-flowing movements, deep breathing and a calm meditative state of mind. With roots in Chinese medicine and martial arts, Qigong is viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance Qi energy, the life-energy.

Qi means air, breath, 'vital energy'. Gong means skill, mastery, achievement, service, accomplishment. Qi + Gong combined together are meant to cultivate and balance life energy for your health and wellbeing.

Music has a healing soothening effect on the body and mind, and moving your body in synchrony with music, and breathing into each of your movement allows you to connect with your deeper self and feel the parts of yourself which may need more love, care and attention.

Healing Dancing Qigong is a beautiful combination of flowing qigong movements in harmony with music, which invites you to discover the potential of your body to open up to new experience, connecting deeper to your inner self, listening to yourself and loving yourself for who you are. Through natural breathing into each of your movement you will allow your energy to flow and bring love and care to the parts of yourself which need more attention right now. Qigong in dancing is in itself healing. Dancing is healing. Breathing is healing. 

The classes are ongoing running on Saturdays 12pm -1pm in Mind the Step in Dublin 1.

You are very welcome to join us and I am looking forward to seeing you! Sending you love and care from my heart.

With all my love,


Healing Dancing Qigong - Drop-in Option Description

Welcome to my classes of Healing Dancing Qigong in the Mind the Step studio in Dublin! Qigong is an ancient Chinese breathing energy practice consisting of slow gentle movements and meditation. There are different types of Qigong, and I am teaching health Qi Gong that is meant for healing, maintaining inner balance and inner peace, strengthening immune system. Qigong practice is also called Meditation in motion that involves slow-flowing movements, deep breathing and a calm meditative state of mind. With roots in Chinese medicine and martial arts, Qigong is viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance Qi energy, the life-energy.

Qi means air, breath, 'vital energy'. Gong means skill, mastery, achievement, service, accomplishment. Qi + Gong combined together are meant to cultivate and balance life energy for your health and wellbeing.

Music has a healing soothening effect on the body and mind, and moving your body in synchrony with music, and breathing into each of your movement allows you to connect with your deeper self and feel the parts of yourself which may need more love, care and attention.

Healing Dancing Qigong is a beautiful combination of flowing qigong movements in harmony with music, which invites you to discover the potential of your body to open up to new experience, connecting deeper to your inner self, listening to yourself and loving yourself for who you are. Through natural breathing into each of your movement you will allow your energy to flow and bring love and care to the parts of yourself which need more attention right now. Qigong in dancing is in itself healing. Dancing is healing. Breathing is healing. 

The classes are ongoing running on Saturdays 12pm -1pm in Mind the Step in Dublin 1.

You are very welcome to join us and I am looking forward to seeing you! Sending you love and care from my heart.

With all my love,
