Chris Molloy Yoga

4 Park Yoga classes

Valid for 30 days
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This pass is for those who practice with me regularly at Park Yoga and can enjoy the benefit of this discount. The pass can be used within a 60 day period (so 2 months).
This pass is for those who practice with me regularly at Park Yoga and can enjoy the benefit of this discount. The pass can be used within a 60 day period (so 2 months).

30 Days of Yoga (all classes online & in person)

Valid for 30 days
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This class pass is valid for 30 days of Yoga for all classes both online and in person with Chris Molloy Yoga. Valid for 30 days from your first class.
This class pass is valid for 30 days of Yoga for all classes both online and in person with Chris Molloy Yoga. Valid for 30 days from your first class.

10 Park/ Sunset Yoga classes

Valid for 60 days
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Join me for 10 classes either in Herbert park or at Seapoint
Join me for 10 classes either in Herbert park or at Seapoint